The Life and Times in Victoria n London and Sherlock Holmes is a series of episodes in which the characters from Baker Street Elementary discuss various aspects of Victorian life. These episodes were inspired by the wonderful articles developed by Liese Sherwood-Fabre, the Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia,, and of course, Rusty Mason, Steve Mason, and Joe Fay for bringing Baker Street Elementary to life.
The Life and Times in Victorian London and Sherlock Holmes can be used by and for students to learn more about the Victorian period. Older Sherlockians can also enjoy this fun way to learn more about London during the late 1800s.
The Life and Times in Victorian London and Sherlock Holmes can be used by and for students to learn more about the Victorian period. Older Sherlockians can also enjoy this fun way to learn more about London during the late 1800s.
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